
Every year as High Holidays come around, you search.  What do you search for? For peace? For forgiveness? For the meaning of life? No. You search for that perfect white outfit. It is elusive. Every year you search for it but you never find quite the right one. And you are not alone. As Kol Nidrey is sung, you look around and see other women, those who even attempt to wear white,  wearing something lacy, something frilly, something flimsy, a suit that was fashionable in 1995, a skirt and blouse that don’t match. Men, of course, don’t have a this problem. A white shirt and a white kippah are sufficient. Those who are more observant wear a kittel.


On the Day of Atonement you want to project dignity and taste, respectability and elegance. This online store is dedicated to you.